David Wren is the controlling member of Prosperity Mint Coin & Memorabilia, which is a full-service precious metals company. Prosperity Mint Coin & Memorabilia has been operational since 2011 and is currently represented in Arlington, TX, with a soon to open location in Atlanta, GA. Prosperity Mint not only has a commercial business direction, but also an instruction platform that educates its clients on how to properly acquire the precious metals. Prosperity Mint believes it is desperately essential that every person learn at earnest “The value of money, over the price of currency.”
Boss XL Mag - Tell us about Prosperity Mint and how you got started?
Prosperity Mint - I have been actively involved in the precious metals field since I took interest back in 1982, as child growing up in New Jersey. However, I never took a professional position in the precious metals industry, until launching Prosperity Mint back in 2011. Prosperity Mint was created because of the historical significance about precious metals which wasn't present or fully recognized within the market place. I saw unambiguous void and necessity connection with the general public's need to resuscitate one's strong hold to God's Money for pure protection, prosperity and savings.
Boss XL Mag - Is owning precious metals a good vehicle to invest in and is it a good hedge against inflation?
Prosperity Mint - I would agree with your question but would also emphasize it this way. Whenever you buy (physical) precious metals with cash. You aren't investing in precious metals but more importantly you're saving or stopping the purchasing power loss, of the debt instrument used to acquire real (God's) money. This must be a quintessential foundation of everyone wealth building. The first step to building wealth is you must become a predigest savers of real created forms, of money and monies. Investing will then become real from the interest and profits from such opportunities and practices. Now one is sheltered against inflation, with greater investment opportunities.
Boss XL Mag - What are 3 tips people should know before investing in precious metal?
Prosperity Mint - ONE: You must learn and educate yourself on the difference between currency and money.
TWO: Learn how to properly acquire the precious metals. Hint " And it ain't just purchasing metals".
THREE: Most Importantly- You break the addiction of " Being schooled to know the PRICE of EVERYTHING while knowing the VAULE of NOTHING."
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