In a world where mental health continues to be overshadowed by its physical counterpart, Keith ‘Duke’ Davis is on a mission to shift the paradigm. As a seasoned professional Aviator, Davis understands the unique pressures faced by high-stakes professionals, and he has channeled that understanding into creating a suite of innovative mental fitness tools. His journey into this field began with a deeply personal experience—a family member grappling with PTSD—which ignited a passion for advocating mental fitness that now resonates far beyond his immediate circle.
A Personal Mission Transformed into a Vision
Davis's path to founding AffirmedYou LLC and its groundbreaking Mental Fitness Apps began with a commitment to help others navigate the complexities of mental health. After witnessing the struggles of a loved one, he was determined to develop practical, accessible tools to support individuals in thriving everyday. “I realized that mental fitness is just as crucial as physical fitness,” Davis explains. “It’s time we normalize prioritizing our mental well-being.”
This conviction was the catalyst for the launch of his tech startup in the summer of 2024, which focuses on diversifying tech-enabled mental health, fitness, and resilience solutions. At the core of his offerings are three innovative applications: Inner Journey: Mental Clarity, Parenity: Parent Wellness, and Neuro Journey: Mental Fitness. Each app is designed to address specific needs, ensuring that mental fitness resources are available to a wide audience.
Breaking Down the Apps
1. Inner Journey: Mental Clarity App
This comprehensive mental fitness platform serves as a guide for users seeking to enhance their mental clarity and emotional resilience. With a variety of tools, including mindfulness exercises, stress management techniques, and community support, Inner Journey empowers individuals to take control of their mental well-being.
2. Parenity: Parent Wellness App
Recognizing the unique challenges faced by parents, Parenity offers tailored resources to support their mental health. The app provides a safe space for parents to connect, share experiences, and access practical strategies for managing stress.
Keith Davis was a speaker at this weeks Bitcon 2024 in Atlanta.
Want to know more about Keith and his apps just click the links below .
Company portfolio - what they do: AffirmedYou LLC’s goal is to provide mental fitness tools, support and community for every person, at every stage of their adult lives.
They provide easy, practical, effective mental fitness resources for everyone and every organization through the following apps:
Inner Journey: Mental Clarity App
Parenity: Parent Wellness App
Neuro Journey: Mental Fitness App
Landing pages
Social media links for IJ and Parenity
Inner Journey: